Go play Metal Gear 3 and Kingdom Hearts 3D and tell me it's not needed.
I've played Metal Gear. I've played Resident Evil. I've played Monster Hunter. Except for Metal Gear, not a single one of them made a compelling case for double analog sticks; that's a grand total of one game, two if we throw in Kingdom Hearts as well. If people want a second analog stick, the option exists. Why should Nintendo fragment the userbase even more? All of which detracts from the fact that this thing should not exist :|The Option does not exsit for 2DS owners when it comes out and I doubt there ever will be one.
This was the first chance Nintendo had to have a 3DS with 2 sticks in it and they blew it, and yes,
Resident Evil doesn't need the stick (it plays better without it).
Monster Hunter doesn't need it (but it plays better with it).
Metal Gear and Kingdom Hearts that thing is vital.
I'm concerned by future 2DS owners who want to play those games that's all.
BTW does everyone know there's a 3DS Mini too?
I like the fake Mini design better than this 2ds design
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